Our Customers Don’t Just LIKE Us…
They’re Flag-Waving
Fanatics Who Sing Our Praises!
First of all, realize that most remodeling companies don’t even survey their customers at all—they’re afraid to! With all the usual hassles, sales pressure, production delays, etc., they often feel lucky to just escape the jobsite with a check in their hand.
We, on the other hand, are serious about customer surveys because we WANT to know how we’re doing so we can continually improve. After each job, we hand our customers a question card and ask them to rate our performance. Click any of the names below to view these surveys.
Please contact us for a recent copy of our customer references.

Everyone at Two Four Exteriors knows that we’re not just in the home improvement business—we’re really in the customer satisfaction business. We offer outstanding value because we know that more time spent in preparation leads to better end experiences for our customers. We are passionate about Customer Satisfaction.
Trust the Kansas City Home Improvement Professionals!
The home improvement experts at Two Four Exteriors are ready to help you reduce energy costs and make your home more beautiful and comfortable. Contact us for a free estimate today by calling (913) 667-2424